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    Friday, October 13, 2017

    How Some People Avoid Paying Child Support

    So now the battle is finally over. You have gone through the child custody lawyer and now your estranged wife or girlfriend has partial or full custody of the child. Well, there is nothing else you can do at this moment after the court has awarded a joint legal custody or whatever custody the court sees fit. But one thing that is certain is that your pocket will be burning when the court decides how much child support you will give to the mother to pay for her monthly hair do's and her designer hand bags.
    Many fathers who pay child support are being robbed of their hard earned money as there is no system in place to ensure that monies given over are spent on the child's living and not on the mother's fancy lifestyle. Kudos to the mothers who really use that child support money on the child. Shame on those mothers who are simply extorting the system for that new wig and handbag.

    How Child Support is Granted in Court

    The court determines how much you should pay by your current earnings and expenditure. This means that your expenses are also taken into effect when granting child support as survival of the father is necessary in order for child support to be viable. But a financial obligation can be burdensome to anyone, and paying years of child support is one of them. But there are ways out of not handing over your little money to any deadbeat parent who simply are about the party life and really not using the child support money on the kid. But there are a couple ways that you can get out of the child support chains. Let's take a look.
    Child Support
    Child Support

    1. The Child Is Not Yours

    Have you ever heard the term, 'When it comes to 6 year old Danny - You are NOT the father?' Well, this is a popular quote from the Maury TV show which has freed many men from becoming slaved into a lifetime of paying child support for a child who is not even theirs. Remember, before you begin forking out your hard earned beer money, always ensure that little Kim is yours and not belonging to your best friend Bill who comes over the house just a little too often. Remember, one out of every ten child born is given to the wrong father! So go take a good hard look at your son or daughter again. Then go take a good look at the gardener, the milkman, the plumber or even the cable guy. Chances may be that you are just not the father. So go take a DNA test and be one hundred percent sure.

    2. Mother Is a Substance User

    If the mother of the child is deemed unfit to hold custody and you have supporting evidence that she simply cannot put down the bottle. You can bring this up at the family court and they will simply deem her unfit to take care of the child and award custody to you the good father, if you are also fit and proper to raise that child in a good and decent living condition. Substance user does not mean the mother has a few cigarettes now and then. Substance abuser means she has an addiction which will interfere with good judgment in raising the child. So when the judge hands you the custody right for your loving little kid, you are no longer simply paying a lousy two hundred dollars monthly, but are in full flight in maintaining and loving your child.

    3. You Are Unemployed Indefinitely

    If you are a lazy bum who insist on not getting a job to pay your way through life but instead sits and waits for government hand outs all the days of your life, well I am sure that the government will have your name on the list of people who will be taken out in the next purge and also exempted from paying child support. Unemployed lazy no good fathers will stay in the unemployment line because they don't want Uncle Sam dipping into their disgusting pockets to pull out funds to take care of their own child. So they sit at home drinking and staying drunk and living free off hard earned taxpayers money. So consider this option to exempt from paying support. Stay unemployed and live like a bum for the rest of your life.

    4. You Are Incarcerated

    If you are in prison, it is obvious that you are unable to work to bring in any meaningful income to help support your child. Therefore you maybe become exempt from paying child support. But If a parent that is in jail has income or assets that can be used to pay for your child support, he or she has to continue to pay such. This can be changed by the judge based upon changes in assets such as total depletion of asset. The mistake many prisoners make is not informing Child Support Agency that they have been imprisoned. By informing the agency of your incarceration, any funds being collected for child support needs to be revised.

    5. Die

    I am most certain that if you die you will definitely not only stop paying child support, you will stop paying all other bills you have. Death is one sure way to clean your slate of anything piling up. But remember, when you die the judge can grant that if you have savings or assets, they be liquidated to put towards paying your child support. But I am sure you wouldn't object to that in court since you wont be among the living anyhow.

    Don't Be a Dead Beat Dad - Go Support Your Child

    I hope that you simply stumbled upon this article by mistake and you are not trying to sleaze your way out of taking care of your responsibilities as the biological father of your child or children. Come on now men, if you father a child, it is your responsibility to ensure that the child receives the best care you can afford. That care is not limited to just financial but also emotional and mental support. If you try to avoid child support, you are avoiding loving your child. Man up, pay up!

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