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    Thursday, July 13, 2017

    Most Vicious Paranormal Things

    Haunted Items

    Spirit or residual energy can become attached to an object. Most items that are considered haunted are imprinted with residual energy. Some items can store the energy of human emotions. Most items can relinquish this energy after a few seconds to minutes, while others can hold onto and release residual energy more slowly. Usually imprints are stronger when there was tragedy or strong emotions involved. It is said that Possessed or Haunted Artifacts emit Electromagnetic (EM) Frequency, This type of frequency can be measured by using a K2 Meter.

      dybbuk box

    1. Dybbuk box

    In Jewish Folklore and other believe an evil spirit enters into a living person, cleaves to his soul, causes mental illness, talks through his mouth, and represents a separate and alien personality is called a dybbuk. This wicked and soul reaping spirit is exorcised and cast into a blessed container of demons, the box.

    Owners of this box have been tempted to open it and some have done so not knowing what type of wickedness they have let out. Once the dybbuk is out, they experience soft paranormal events such as door closing, lights turning off by themselves and so on. This type of haunting is just a warm up stage for the demon as it is only letting you know that it's there, this is the attention seeking phase.
    Later on the demon will eventually get destructive and conjure wick acts such as sharp objects coming at you, choking and physical abuse. The demon will try to ware you down until you are left hopeless and your will to fight it as been dwindled. Eventually its ultimate goal is to see your death.
    Under any circumstances, NEVER OPEN A DYBBUK BOX!

    Ouija Baord

    2. The Ouija Board

    This Board is believed that the board contains negative energy and spirit and is invoked by asking the board various questions. People have become addicted to this demonic artifact and as such as given up their souls to the board spirit. They become obsessed with asking Ouija various questions, questions about riches and love and every answer intern cost a little bit of soul.

     The Haunted Mirror

    3. Haunted Mirror

    Some mirrors are not just mere objects which w use to bask in our self beauty, but are instead portals which host evil spirits. They can be used as a pathway to dimension not seen by the human eyes.
    There is a story about a lady from England whose beauty was uncompilable. She had the most beautiful skin and hair silky tall. It was said that she could not get enough of herself and had a custom mirror made from sands imported from from the middle east, the board to hold the mirror was castled with a diamond edged topping and the sides cast with twenty 28 pearls, a number which she wanted to remain at forever. Each pearl was ordered to be blessed by some religious chief. When the mirror was completed it was placed in the Center of her room. It was said that she would brush her silky hair three times daily while speaking to herself in the mirror, admiring her outer beauty.

    She soon realized that the blessed pearls could not stop her aging as she was now approaching the age of 40 and began to be look like a shadow of her once beautiful self. She was so obsessed with remaining beautiful she began to read into the occult. She bought several books over a couple of months and began to practice sacred rituals, one of which was that she would have taken a youthful picture o herself, attached it to the mirror, sliced her hand and allowed the blood to run on the picture unto the mirror. This was a non-aging ritual. It was said that non of these ritual worked and the woman became so obsessed with the occult and keeping young it drove her crazy. She was found dead in her room lying on the ground eyes wide open looking at the mirror.
    It was said that her insane spirit became trapped into the object she loved the most. The Mirror!

     African Ritual Voodoo Doll

    4. African Voodoo Doll

    The Voodoo doll was originated and created in Africa. During ancient times voodoo dolls were used for protection and at the same time they were also used to destroy any enemy who were a threat to others. If created by the right master, the doll can become so powerful that they will not only protect you from evil people but also will protect your house. These dolls can be divided into 2 categories:
    • Good Voodoo Doll
    Used to cast protective spirits around you, your loved ones and if powerful enough around your homes. If someone has cast an evil spell on you, it is said that once you enter into the home of where this good doll dwells, all wicked spells will be null and void.
    • Wicked or Evil Voodoo Dolls
    This can be used to cause great pain and suffering to individuals, these sufferings can go in as long as you have the wicked voodoo doll still cursing the individual. Spells that have been casted by using African Voodoo Dolls include;
    1. Stress and Pressure on an Individual
    2. Anxiety Disorder
    3. Hallucination
    4. Common Illness
    5. Bad Luck
    6. Death
     Women from Lemb Statue

    5. The Women From Lemb Statue

    Also called "The Goddess of Death," The Women from Lemb is a statue carved from pure limestone that was discovered in 1878 in Lemb, Cypruss. The item dates back to 3500 B.C., and is believed to represent a goddess, similar to a fertility idol. The statue was first owned by Lord Elphont, and within six years of having the statue in his possession, all seven of the Elphont family members had died from mysterious causes.

    The next two owners, Ivor Manucci and Lord Thompson-Noel, also died along with their entire families just a few short years after taking the statue into their homes.
    The fourth owner, Sir Alan Biverbrook, died as well, along with his wife and two of their daughters. Two of Biverbrook's sons remained, they were scared by the sudden and strange deaths of four of their family members that they decided to donate the statue to the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh, where it remains today.

    Shortly after the item was placed in the museum, the chief of the section where the statue dwelled suddenly died as well, though no museum curator will admit that the statue may have supernatural properties. No one has handled the statue since that first museum worker who passed away, and the item is safely under glass and protected from human hands.

     haunted Item - The Anguished Man Painting

    6. The Anguished Man

    This scary-looking painting was kept in Sean Robinson's grandmother's attic for twenty-five years before he inherited it from her. She had always told Robinson that the painting was evil, as the artist who created the painting used his own blood and blended it with paint and killed his self shortly after completing it. She claimed to hear voices and crying when the painting was displayed, and to see the shadowy figure of a man in her house, which is why she locked it away in the attic.

    As soon as Robinson took the painting into his home, he and his family started experiencing the same kinds of creepy phenomenon. His son fell down the stairs, his wife felt something stroking her hair, and they saw the shadow man and heard crying.

    Robinson decided to set up a camera overnight to try to capture some of the strange events on tape. Robinson's YouTube videos show slamming doors, rising smoke, and the painting falling from a wall for no reason.

    Frightened, Robinson soon put the painting down in his basement, but he is not interested in selling it.

    Are Your Hexed?

    Do you know if you have been cursed or hexed? It may not have been placed directly on you but may have been placed on your great great grans, mother or Father. Protect Yourself and Cancel any Hex or Curse by owning one of the Item Below.

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