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    Thursday, July 13, 2017

    How To Pray The Right Way

    How To Pray

     What Is Praying

    When someone of any religious belief prays, they create a personal channel between them self and the God which they want to communicate with. During this time of personal communication, the believer blocks out all other entities which physically surrounds him and focus and meditate on communicating with their God.

    How Does Jesus Say To Pray

    Lord how do we pray? Was a question asked by Mary during one of Jesus teachings. He answered by showing them how to pray when he held his hands together and went on his knees and said, "Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Jesus is saying that when we come in prayer before God, we must acknowledge that he is God and emit humbleness. Lets look at how Jesus showed us the difference in Prayer between the Tax Collector and the Pharisee.

    Tax collector vs pharisee
    When the pharisee prayed to God, the Pharisee prayed of boastful things. Things which were about himself and had no humbleness or paid homage to the Lord. The tax collector fell to his knees, acknowledged God and begged forgiveness for his sins. The tax collector was Matthew and became one of Christ Apostles. Lets look at Luke 18 vs 9-14:
    "To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
    13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
    14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
    You should not enter prayer of boastful achievements and compare yourself to another man, but always remember that no matter how righteous you may believe you are, you are still a sinner and as such you must come to God as such.

    Believe In Prayer

    Have you ever seen someone who has no faith in anything, has not poised themselves to receive any blessing and then needing something, and someone tells them to just pray about it. Then while they sit their cursing and enjoying their roast beef, they begin to pray, "Lord, i pray that you grant me this and grant me that? Then when nothing is going their way and their prayers are not answered they begin to curse even more and even begin to curse God himself? The reason for this is that they do not understand prayer, they do not know that when you come before the King of kings you should come narrow minded and in reverence. When i say narrow minded i mean you should put on blinkers and focus on God and his righteousness. You cannot be chewing away on food or sending a text message while you are praying. But before you begin to channel your communication link with God, you must ultimately believe. Believe that there is a God that watches over you and believe that whatever you pray about, as long as it is written for you, you will achieve it.

    What Do We Pray For?

    There are so many things people pray for. Sometimes it is just downright ridiculous. People pray for things like a husband to a pretty rubber duck. Some pray for health or a family member to be cured from a disease. But the Lord has taught us that words without works has always proven futile. How realistic is the things we pray and ask God for? A house, a new job, a baby. What work have you put in for these prayers to be answered?

    In everything that we need or want, we must begin the work towards them. Don't believe that if you ask the Lord to become a great writer and has never written one piece of work, some dove will come and pitch on your shoulder and grant you your writing wishes. You have to put in the work and God will see you are serious and once you pray, you will begin to see the fruits of your prayer. But it is not every time we look to our God and strike up a conversation we should always be asking. Let us remind God that we are also thankful for everything that he has provided for us, let us tell him that we appreciate the wonderful world he has given us. Let us not be too consumed into our own achievements, but pray for the lives and the success of our neighbors. It is difficult, we all have needs, but today i tell you that someone need is much greater than yours. Pray, pray for others, and others will pray for you. I don't need to remind you the mysterious ways in which God works, there are many who have never prayed for themselves, but reap the success from God simply because they put someone else before them. How sweet sacrifice can sometimes be my friends.

    Why People Discredit Prayer

    People will simply discredit prayer because of the unfavorable outcome. You have to remember that we are only humans and are packed with different emotions, feelings and beliefs. Can you imagine a believer who has a sick wife whom he loves and adores and she lays in a hospital bed, dieing slowly and the Doctors cannot help her and as a believer, he turns to prayer. He sacrifices, he fast, he prays day in and out, his health deteriorates worrying about his good wife. he goes to church and the preacher tells him to keep on praying. Then the hospital calls and he is struck with faith breaking news that his wife has passed. This can not only break your faith in prayer, but also your belief in God. When people pray, they expect results, after all the church does say to come to they father in prayer. But when you go to him in prayer, do you get the results you wanted? i can tell you today that many do, while some are still broken and wondering why God did not answer their prayer to save the life of a loved one. There is absolutely no comfort in praying out your heart only to have that heart seemingly neglected. But there is one thing we must remember in prayer, there is a plan made by God for every single man.

    Praying Takes Time

    There is no quick fix or shortcut when it comes on to praying. It is not something that has a start and a end time or a time period when you believe your prayers should have been answered. You have to come before God several times in reverence. Ask for forgiveness of your sins, be patient, be humble and pray. Don't put a stop watch on praying. pray as long as you want and as often as you want. As long as it is done in reverence.

    Does Quick Prayer Work?
    When i talk about quick prayer i am looking at people who close their eyes for a second at a soccer much and prays for the goal to score and opens their eyes when the ball scores or do not score. No my friend, praying for a team to win a soccer match while you are at the stadium does not work. That is simply practice, skill and team work by the players.

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