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    Monday, October 30, 2017

    The Six Needs of Life

    Man, From Where?

    If anyone can really give you concrete evidence as it relates to how man came about is as false as the boobs on barbie. For centuries men who claim to be of scientifically and religious background as scuffled around using whatever methods possible to ascertain how man came to being on this planet we call earth, our home. The only thing we as people know as being factual is that once we were given life here on earth, we have the need to live and to survive. But by surviving there are six basic needs which we all need to actually live comfortable on planet earth. Lets look at these six items:
    Man's Six Needs Pyramid
    Man's Six Needs Pyramid

    1. Food

    Your body is a living organism that knows itself. Your body will tell you when it is ill, when it is in pain and even when it's dying. Your body also tells you that it needs to feed, and that feeding involves the consumption of food. The thing is pretty straight forward, every living thing has an awareness of wanting to survive, the human body has a mind of it's own and knows all the wants it needs. It wants to survive and it needs be be healthy and consuming foods which intern transform into proteins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates which the body uses to maintain itself. Most of the money we slave for as people go into the buying of foods. Whether it be cooking in our own home, dining out, eating junk, fatty or healthy foods. The absence of food in any living entity equals to the death of that entity.

    2. Shelter

    Everyone needs somewhere to rest their heads where rats are not apart of their pillow. Having something to live in that lets you feel some sense of privacy and security is essential to the needs of any human being. Long before houses were made fancy, earlier men used to live in caves while others pitched tents and huts and made makeshift housing from bamboo and leaves. Now fast forward to the 21st century and you have from low end to high class technology driven sophisticated homes to meet your demand. A home is like a sanctuary where you get to hide away from the external factors of life and simply enjoy your time within your housing confinement. For many people, it is the only place where they make themselves the boss and actually get to really manage anything. Our home also protects us from the elements that we face daily, heat, rain, storms and unwanted people.

    3. Clothing

    Apart from the nudist who normally only walks nude to get some sort of point across, the rest of people living on planet earth generally likes to wear clothing. People need clothing to not only cover the ares of our body they believed to be private, but also to protect our flesh from the environment. Clothing protects us from the sun, dirt and chemicals and other elements. Clothing also protects our eyes from some unpleasant sights we would have seen if many people were walking around naked! Clothes as now become more of a fashion statement these days as it is a billion dollar industry where designers, models and consumers vi for the best, trendy and most beautiful wears. clothing varies all over the world as many different nations and race find favor in their cultural style of dress. Clothing sometimes can make a big statement about an individual, their beliefs and eve life style, but this is not true in all senses.

    4. Money

    They say that money makes the world go around. We live in a money driven economy where we need this currency to actually barter with. Money is actually a better way to barter. Bartering is actually the exchange of goods and services. Way back in the days, men usually barter their wears. So lets say you are a fisherman who catches 50 pounds of tuna. You go home and your wife complains of scaling and gutting fish all day and she wants beef. You will have to carry fish to the cow farmer and barter with him on how much beef say 20 fish is worth. Once both of you come to an amicable agreement, then the fisherman will have beef and the cow farmer will have fish. The fisherman now has a happy wife (For now!) But the bartering system has long gone and we have money now to spend so no one has to be walking with a cow on their back. We now need money to do almost anything in life, we need money for food, to find a home, for clothing etc. If you are not earning money someway, chances are that you are either begging or dead.

    5. Something To Do

    Show me a person who sits and looks all day and i can put that individual into several classes, dead, brain dead and mummified. When i speak about something to do, it does not only mean working like a slave from 9 to 5 and getting chicken feed for all your effort. I am talking about actually moving, walking, running, working, playing a game, gardening, fishing, kissing, etc. Even people who are physically challenged do tend to do a lot more activities than many able people. Human beings are interactive species and needs something to do. This is why the aliens enslaved us and placed us on earth as rechargeable energy to power their own planet. Oh, you never knew humans are living batteries? Well, now you know. We all need and have the urge to do. To do is a living organism feature, every living organism once it possesses life and the physical capabilities, it will "do".

    6. Sex (Pleasure and Reproduction)

    One thing for sure is that us humans love the act of reproduction, even if the act does not lead to an offspring, we just love doing it. Well, the creator of man had to have a way for us to multiply easily and keep us as living rechargeable batteries on planet earth, and self reproduction was the best solution. We were built with what we call the "urge". The urge is a feeling to let it all go, to release and allow it to feel pleasureful at the same time. But the creator is smart, why would we indulge in something if it has no benefit to us. Because producing an offspring is in no way beneficial to anyone who have had children. (Marquee, some people will argue that we need children to grow the nation, children take care of us when we get old, children are the future and all the mushy children stuff). So pleasure was put into the act of sex which makes us become addicted. Then when babies are born, the natural love we feel to guide and protect a smaller version of ourselves were also thrown into the package, making the cycle and endless and well oil machinery.

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