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    Monday, October 30, 2017

    Zika Virus Depopulation Agenda

    Imagine we wake up to a world where the only flavor of candy is "mud". You will have to love this mud because even if you don't. You do not have enough "backative" to wave a protest. For hundreds of years, the elites have always had a depopulation agenda planned. This agenda's main objective is to rid the world of a certain amount and type of people by any means which will not cause a social uproar. They know if they go down to Africa with machine guns and bombs simple to kill black people. The world would not allow that, so they try to kill people in a much more accepted and discreet way. They introduce Viruses. You saw all the propaganda which they did with "Ebola" and even had actors in Farica who they paid to fake Ebola illnesses. They continue to use Africa and South America as guinea pigs for the creation and testing of virus, simply because it is these type of people who are first to be eliminated in the world depopulation exercise.
    Ebola Virus
    Ebola Virus

    Black Lives Don't Matter In Africa

    Large Global leaders keep funding many developments in Africa and other third world countries. Some of these Groups and Organizations you see which comes under the umbrella of saving starving African children have a more deep and sinister plan. They are what you called sugar coated vinegar candy. They form a front by the means of humanitarian works and then establish drug testing labs which they call "vaccination" centers and use that face to develop and test new biological weapons. Weapons such as Ebola and now the Zica Virus. If you have ever saved any clips or videos of all the disease outbreaks which they claim started in Africa, take a good look at all the people you see whom become infected. Does disease favor black people or is it that the other race in Africa such as whites, Indians, and Asians are immune to all of these outbreaks? Let me let you in on a little secret of what really goes on in the motherland Africa.
    Majority of the Africans are poor and need help financially. What these scientist do is pay many of these desperate people to become testers of new drugs, viruses and vaccines. When they develope any new virus, they test how effective this virus is on monkeys and then they go for the Black people test and test it on them also. Many of these victims do not realize that they are actually committing suicide by allowing these wicked people to carry out these test on them. Then the demons why inject the virus in the individuals study how they react to the virus, they study things like:
    • How long after infection does the virus begin to take effect
    • What in the body does the virus attack
    • How the body try to defend itself
    • How soon after infection does the Victim die
    If the victim overcomes the virus attack, they look at why the victim is still alive and go back to the drawing board to make a stronger virus which will put the victim down.
    But even evil has disagreements, Instead of body count rising and stench rotting away the earth the elites came up with a new plan on how world population should be curtailed. So they came up with a new virus which would infect you, not kill you, but would cripple your reproductive factors. Welcome to the era of the Zica Virus!

    Total People In Africa By Race Affected by Ebola

    Any cases of white people who have been infected or has died from Ebola is a complete hoax. They had to tell the world that some white people had become infected or the plot would seem too straight forward.

    Zika Virus

    The Zica Virus is a deceased they claim is spread by a bite from the Aedes Aegypt Mosquito. This little mosquito seems to be the scape goat for a lot of infections in third world countries. So here comes this little fella buzzing around with all these viruses jammed pack in him, lets list all the virus they say is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypt Mosquito:
    • chikungunya
    • denge fever
    • malaria
    • Bunyamwera fever
    • Yellow Fever
    • Zika
    I don't know how the world has not put more emphasis on eradicating this insect as it is a flying biological weapon. But wait, i just forgot that they need the mosquito around, as a matter of fact, they have genetically modified the mosquito to be a more effective bio-weapon by allowing it to facilitate a more potent form of the modified viruses they created in their labs. So if you get bitten by one of the genetically modified mosquitoes, it will choose to give you the virus it probably pleases. So the same mosquito has Chik V and Zik V all packed and flying around and once it lands on you it rolls out it's list of which human is suppose to get which virus and realize that it is Zika Virus time and Not Chikungunya time. It then switches virus capsule and infects you with the right virus. The things which the world lets pass our eyes is so unbelievable!
    Symptoms of Zika Virus
    1. Fever
    2. rash
    3. joint pain
    4. conjunctivitis
    5. muscle pain
    6. headache.
    How is Zika Diagnosed
    • The symptoms of Zika are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya, diseases spread through the same mosquitoes that transmit Zika.
    • Visit your nearest clinic if you have any of the above mentioned symptoms.
    • If you have recently traveled, tell your healthcare provider when and where you traveled.
    • Do a simple blood test to check if you have the virus in you.
    Cure! what cure? There are no medicines or vaccines available to treat or prevent the virus. (I can assure you one will soon arrive. Note to yourself, do not take this new vaccine!) What medical practitioners are telling infected persons or persons who may become infected is to get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluid, take pain and fever relief medication. That's about it for treatment of the Zika Virus. But why don't they have a vaccine once you are diagnosed withe the Zika is beacuse they want the virus to stream your body. They want it to get where it is suppose to go and stay long enough to affect you even when the virus is "cured" or dormant. They want the world to seize reproduction and the Zika virus will help them to do just that. Here is how.


    Effects of Microcephaly Caused By Zika Virus
    Effects of Microcephaly Caused By Zika Virus

    Microcephaly Agenda

    The Zika Virus is what makes way for the increase in microcephaly. Microcephaly abnormal smallness of the head, a congenital condition associated with incomplete brain development. Have you ever seen some small headed children and wonder what happened to these people, well many of them had this disease. In African head hunters Shrunken head folklore, it is probably a case of this Microcephaly. This conditions occur by genetic abnormalities. Microcephaly may occur because of infections of certain viruses or the use of drugs and alcohols exposed to fetus. The exposure to all these toxins will damage the developing brain tissue, thus resulting in your child born with a much smaller head than usual.
    Effects of Microcephaly
    It is really sad to have carried a beautiful child in you for nine months and then only to hear that your child is diagnosed with this disease. It is a sad but true bitter awakening. Microcepahly is nothing cute and the child will born and face many challenges in life. Lets look at some of the this Microcephaly contributes to:
    • Mental Retardation
    • Dwarfism
    • Seizures
    • Neurological problems
    • Balance and Coordination
    • Underdeveloped Intelligence
    So what does this all really mean? It means that millions of people will not decide to have a child anytime soon because of fears of the child being born with the above deformities. It means that they have come up with one of the best methods of population control, they tried Aids, it fell short, they tried, mad cow disease and bird flu, it fell short. Now they have an effective world depopulation method. Prevent people from having children, get rid of a couple more millions with normal factors such as contaminated water, toxic air, blooming race wars. World wars and everything else which will cause us scared humans to retaliate and put the number one agenda again on the table called life, and that is self preservation.

    The New World Order

    The new world order is a long time agenda which takes, blood, time and money. They have been at this agenda for hundreds of years and continue to pull strings from behind their expensive desk. One topic in this new world order is the population control and the control of earth resources. There are much more sinister things being developed and plan while we sit in front of our internet, TV, tablets and smartphones watching fake reality TV, while reality passes us by. Wake up and get some real knowledge, the time is now!

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