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    Tuesday, July 18, 2017

    How To tell If Your House Is Haunted

    1. You See Shadows
    Ghost are spirits of persons who have passed. Ghost manifest to us for several reasons.
    1. They have not fulfilled a promise
    2. They died a terrible death and can't cross over until they get justice
    3. They were evil souls and decides to stick around to cause havoc
    4. They may be there to protect you.
    No matter the reason a ghost is in your house, it is very spooky and you would prefer to have them out. Seeing quick shadows in your home is a sure sign that another entity does dwell among you and is moving to and fro in your dwelling. People see shadows all the time sometimes just a glimpse from the corner of their eye and many people do not pay it any attention. They believe it is just a flicker of probably glare or something like that. But that is exactly what these spirits want you to believe. Have you ever been at home and see a shadow of someone pass and you shout out to your family member asking if that was he/she only to hear your family member shouting from outside that they are downstairs or somewhere else? Don't look now, a Ghost is probably behind you grinning!

    2. You hear Unusual Sounds
    If you think that all ghost simply walk through walls and keep a low silent profile you are mistaking. Ghost make noise in day and night. Contrary to popular belief that ghost only comes out at night, well that is horse manure! Ghost move whenever they feel like and is not restricted by the sun or moon. Sometimes when things are quiet you will hear a squeak in in the floor like someone sneaking in your home. You will hear things fall or a little rattle. When you go to investigate you will see nothing out of place. You may or may not see something fall, this depends on the type of spirit which haunts your home and the intentions that spirit has. If you are haunted by a poltergeist, it will wreak havoc on you and will push, pull, throw, turn off lights, turn on lights and probably shoot you with your own gun! If things get too noisy around and you see your beautiful home falling apart, it is most likely you are being haunted by a ghost who wants to do you arm or want you out of the house.

    3. Touched In Your Bed
    No, it's not your lover doing this so don't get all excited now. Ghost love to look at us when we go to sleep and some will enter your bedroom and reside their all night. Ghost can't wait for us to go sleep as that probably is the best time to scare the hell out of you. So it's ten in the night and you just finished brushing your dog's hair and decide to hit the sack. You turn off the lights and fall asleep quickly, then a sinister entity manifest in the dark with red glowing eyes. You suddenly feel a chill from the window that you knew you locked and as you turn around to get up and go see why the room is chilly, WHAM! Your eyes meet face to face with the most horrific thing you have ever seen. It makes a blood gargling scream and vanishes. You are scared out of your underwear and even wets the floor. Ghost are known to move away sheets and open windows in bedrooms and rub their hands over people's face. The meaner ones will probably sit on you and try to strangle you in your sleep and you will be fighting in your sleep and probably jump up gasping for air.

    4. Possession
    Not only demons have the power to enter a human's body, but some level of ghost will manifest in or possess items and people. Ghost have been known to possess paintings, dolls and even appliances. If you notice that a family member suddenly begins to act weird, apart from the person naturally being weird, you may need to seek the help of a priest. When ghost possess someone, that person will do things which the dead person used to do when they were alive. They will try to make the best of their host until that person's life force is depleted. So if you notice Tim with a new pack of Cuban cigars smoking for joy and you know Tim is an advocate for people against tobacco foundation. You know that either Tim has lost his marbles or he may be haunted by a cigar loving ghost.
    Ghost love to haunt children toys and it favors little girl dolls. The reason why ghost love little girl dolls is because most little girls find favor with dolls. They talk to their doll, dress them up and have tea parties. The ghost sees this as the best opportunity to reach the child and will possess the doll. Once possessed, it will whisper little things to that child. Most times things that are bad that may harm the child or someone close to the child. Be careful when you hear you child says that "Ms. Spooks said so, and you know her doll name was Betty!"

    5. The Ghost Blatantly Manifest Itself
    You are down in the basement washing all those cheesy football socks and you son's jeans which had left over pizza in his pocket five days ago. You are there humming redemption song like a slave and suddenly a figure manifest itself at the top of the basement step. You drop the cheap detergent and you are shocked out of your wits. The figure stands there for one whole minute staring at you with its body fazing in and out. You begin to shout at the top of your lungs for help. You drop down at the side of the washing machine and bury your head in your arms and close your eyes tight. Hoping that when you open them it will be gone. To your surprise, the ghost actually disappears. Ghost will manifest themselves to you to let you know that they are there and they are a part of the home just like you. They feel that you are probably taking up space that they used to occupy and you should move over a bit. Sometimes the ghost are simply curious as to who you are and may just be friendly too.

    Ridding Your Home Of Ghost
    Once you have confirmed that you are living with dead people, it is time to make your home as unfriendly to ghost as possibly. Here are some basic things to do to your home to make it unfriendly to ghost.
    • Holy water
      Ghost hate water, they will hate water that has been blessed even more. Keep vile of holy water in your home
    • Jesus Cross
      Nothing but the blood of Jesus they say to drive the devil away, the cross will do the same for ghost
    • Sunlight
      Get as much sunlight in your home, let the rays of goodness shine down in your home and burn away the evil spirit.
    • Native American
      Ghost hate spiritual people, especially native Americans. Rent out a room to a Native American to drive ghost away.
    Get a psychic to come in, make communication with the spirit and find out why the hell it won't leave your house alone. Then when you know who or what the ghost is, the psychic will tell you out to rid your dwelling of the spirit. (The Native American can double as a psychic too!)

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