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    Saturday, July 22, 2017

    God and Man Creating Men

    The Bible speaks of Adam being the first man to be made by God. Adam was placed in the garden of Eden where he would have eternal life and eat vegetables and fruits and live loving with all animals. Then the Bible speaks of Adam speaking to God about his loneliness, then God granted Adam a companion, a companion which he made from the womb of Adam. That companion was called eve, and the companion was classified a woman. Let us take a closer look at the naming of the species Gog created for his man species which is Adam. Adam was a man, not mankind, Eve was classified as a wo-man. Do you know what the "wo" means as it relates to the female species of man. Well, my theory is simple and it just may hold a lot of water. You see, when God created man, he created him whole and man needed no companion for any form of reproduction. Remember that Adam had many animals with him in the garden of Eden.The animals were made from beginning as male and female and that would have definitely lead to the common reproduction. So god made man whole, self sufficient and relied only on the word of God. The Adam which God created had a womb inside him. He already had both anatomies inside. When Adam begged God for a companion, God simple extracted the female side from Adam and called it the Woman, since the main difference between a man and a woman is the reproductive organ and the womb.

    Born again
    Born again

    Now There Are Two

    So God took the female out of Adam and left the male. They both were still unaware of each other, meaning that all they needed was simple companionship. They knew nothing about their sexuality and as such the feelings of copulation remained dormant. Now the devil saw this and knew that this was his big break. He could not have tempted the Full Adam because he was too strong for temptation. But once God had split up the full Adam, and created male and female, the devil knew that he had a chance. Eve was the weaker side of Adam and the devil targeted her. The devil opened up her eyes and let her see, now eve was aware and wanted her husband to be aware too. So she coaxed Adam into becoming aware and this he did. This was why the Lord was angry with the female side of Adam and blessed her with labor pain. So Adam and Eve knew each other and found their nakedness. They were ashamed and even hid when the Lord spoke to them. Soon they were driven out of Eden and out into the world where they would now live as mortals would. So Adam went onto his wife and created children. Man has now become makers of themselves.

    Man Makes Man - Now Sin Flourishes

    The reproduction cycle between Adam and Eve was relentless, they had hundreds of sons and daughters who took unto them their own siblings who also had sons and daughters. They began to spread far and wide as with any normal people, disagreement would develop and persons seeked another places to flourish. The Bible makes mention about Adam's three main children, Cain, Able and Seth. Why wasn't Eve's daughters mentioned? I have no idea. What was happening now was that the bloodline of Adam was weakening as the numbers grew far and wide. Men were now born and shaped in sin. That sin was the disobedience of wo-man to not gain knowledge of good and evil. God knew that it was best for man to remain docile to this as it would not have lead to anything good. So as man began to make man, they began to suffer, lust, greed, killings and many other atrocities developed because of jealousy and greed. Even though God was displeased with man, he still loved them and knew that the only way to save man was for a pure man to be born. This man could not have been born of the common human male and female. This man had to be like a new Adam. He had to be the son of God himself. So God went unto Mary and he knew her. Mary became pregnant with a new man. A man not of Adam and Eve, but a man of God.

    Jesus Arrives

    Now, when God came unto Mary and knew her and she bore forth a son, whom she called Jesus. He had a specific purpose on earth, that purpose was to bring man back to God, to reopen their eyes to receive holiness and simply to make them "Whole Again" That whole means to make them one with God and one with them-self (wo-man and man). That was going to be a very difficult task for Jesus as many men who claimed righteousness were conceited and arrogant and were religious maniacs who thought they knew it all. They were suck ups to Rome and were like turtles hiding in their tiny shells. They hid and sinned while they persecuted others for sinning and preached nothing of forgiveness. It was all about fear god, break his laws and prepare to be stoned, beaten, crucified or abolished. That is why their fake temple was destroyed by God after his son commanded his spirit unto heaven. Jesus attempt to redeem man proved to bare little fruit. There were many who followed him and received that enlightenment, but there were many more who were more inclined into the world and shunned the Glory and righteousness which was being given to them for free.

    So the son of God did not complete the task at hand, man was cruel and they had him killed for telling them the truth. Seems like that is still happening today. Because Jesus work was not completed, he had promised the people that he would have returned. He will return, but no one knows when. Then he will continue his work of making all mankind whole once more so they can transcend as he had done up into heaven. Do you know what Jesus meant when he says that you will have to be reborn or born again to see God's kingdom. Why does he emphasize on words, like birth, whole, born again? Well it is simply because all men will have to be literally rebirth in order to see the kingdom of God. That birth will not be of Man and Woman, as separate entities. But as a single conscious unit has how God had made it to be.

    I myself do not believe that the full rebirth comes around when you accept Jesus as Savior and become baptized. Even after that, you are still made up of both good and evil. Accepting Jesus does not automatically cleanse you and makes you whole. You are still only human and as such, still have every single emotion that Lucifer had opened up your eyes to. Many religious people have done some really nasty things in the past and now the present. These are people who have accepted Jesus, baptized and read the bible, yet still live as a man. When you accept Jesus and become baptized, that simply gives you a ticket to receive the redemption. It is like a memorandum of understanding between you and God saying, Yes, i am willing to change my life for good and become truthful and righteous so i can be reborn in the kingdom of God. Accepting Jesus is no guarantee pass to heaven my friends. You have to live the word.

    I am the way, the truth and the life.
    No one comes to the Father but through me.
    — John 14 verse 6

    When Jesus says the above, what do you believe he means? Does he mean that he is selfish and you have to pay him to see God? Jesus is telling you as it is. In order for you to see the kingdom, you have to be a Jesus. You have to accepts and live Gods teachings and you have to be reborn. So how does this rebirth take place? Here is my theory:
    • You accept Jesus as the way to God.
    • You live a righteous and truthful life
    • You die
    • Then you are reborn in the Kingdom of God

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