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    Tuesday, July 25, 2017

    33 Degree Masonry and 33 Free Continets of Flat Earth

    The Global Earth as we know it is a complete fallacy.  The Governments we claim to vote for, the economic which forever needs fixing is completely faked and controlled by the race of the people from the 33 free continents outside the walls of Antarctica. These races control everything which happens within the prison we are in. They keep us ignorant because of slavery and entertainment. It pleases them to see the drama and fear which UN-awakened humans exhibit when they are in zones of uncertainty.

    These 33 outside continents are known by the elites, or people who they put in charge to keep us as slaves. Have you ever wondered what really is the 33 Degree of free masonry? Where does it come from and what role does it have in the flat world we live in. Well let me explain the truth behind the masonry. 33 Degree represents the 33 continents of the free world. When a human is given certain level of knowledge and understanding of each continent, he is given one level of increment. So if you were chosen to keep this old secret of secret continent and races which inhabit these continent you would have started at the first continent which is the first degree. Once you understand the race and knowledge of people living there you would have moved on to the next continent which would be your second degree. I guess you understand where I am going with this. The 33 Degree Masonry is nothing more than the secrets of the 33 free continents or worlds outside the ice prison.

    So who occupies these lands anyway?
    Good question. If you watch all the mambo jumbo on YouTube you may stumble upon videos telling you the truth and some simply selling views for ad clicks. But let me tell you what is revealed to me and what is still being reviled. Outside the ice prison is various races. Races of humans who are in tuned with God gene. They belong to the realm of God, unlike us who are influenced by the bringer of light, the sun Lucifer, his celestial name. There are man of many different kinds living on these continents. You notice I did not say Hu-Man. The Human is just a species of MAN, which has many different species. As a matter of fact, we have various species of MAN walking among us within the ice prison, but they are not bound like us, they are free to come and go as please.

    The MAN Species in these continents do call upon Humans from time to time to join them, but they will only take the best of everything. So what is the best of everything? Singers, actors, musicians, people they actually love, people who have done great things. Have you ever wondered about many of these mysterious famous people death, many times it just doesn't add up. Why would these people fake their death and leave behind all that fame and fortune? How about in exchange for living forever and other miracles you can only imagine.

    Let us look at even shows setup by these entities which occupy these lands. Think of some popular talent show and tell me who they are searching for, they are searching for the best of the best in every talent possible. Persons chosen from these star finding shows are not always the winners. But people who have that hidden spark which can easily be harvested by the right people.

    UFO and Lands outside Antarctica
    Unidentified Flying Objects, yes, nut unidentifiable by whom? All the technology you see and use today comes from the outer ice prison. The UFO's belong to them, the internet, the computer you use belong to them. You owe your comfortable lifestyle to them.

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